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Final Vector Graphic Art (Illustrator)


For my final vector graphic art I wanted to create something more based off a story, and came up with the idea of doing a creepy wonderland inspired image.

Mainly using the pen tool to create the geometric shaded affects, I clicked on the screen in one spot, and kept clicking to make a shape. Then next to that shape I would repeat with a slightly different color, and that is how I created the objects in this image.

Using the pen tool to create those shapes, I slowly combined them with different darks and lights of the same hue to give it a semi-cohesive color palette.

I experimented with a new tool, the crystalize tool. On the tree to the far right the thorn vines that pierces the hearts have extra thorns, which I created with the help of that tool. I wanted it to get slightly more intense the farther into the forest it went.

I originally planned to do more of a stained-glass like effect throughout the entire piece, but ended up setting the three images side-by-side, seperated with borders from items from their respective scenes.

The hardest part was a mix between making the shapes-since half the time the new shape I was cresting with the pen tool would connect with the previous, making them the same color. Arranging the shapes was also definitely difficult, since I used multiple layers and choosing to send them all the way to the front or back by right-clicking the shape didn't always work. Cropping was difficult as well, and making sure all the shapes had a decent color composition regarding shading and connecting well.

The easiest part surprisingly was coming up with a story, since it sort of flowed to me after I came up with the concept sketches for the illustration .

As for the individual images, here is some more info about how I created them / the brainstorming of the overall story of the art I came up while creating it.

A mad man, a tea so full,

All that you drank will now drink it’s full.

The first image I created, and by far the simplest, shows the mad hatter holding his hands out to stop the flow of a teacup hanging from a tree branch. He is meant to be standing in an ocean of tea, with them trying to stop the tea cup from continuing to swallow the world whole, drowning it. Illustrator didn't fully work with me on this one when it came to editing it within the final image, so there are some differences between this and the final version-mainly the tree on the right.

Rabbit rabbit, running out of time,

The key to your freedom within a glass rime.

This one was the second image I created, using a much more muted/dull color scheme than the first. It shows a humanized version of the white rabbit holding a pocket watch, with it being tied around their wrist to a cuff. In a dark forest you can see them reaching out to a key in a shattered glass cage as well. I used the soft light tool with a gradient effect on the shapes to highlight the figure and the table with the key.

She who collected hearts now finds herself in a grove,

Where the only apples to pick are the seeds she’s sowed.

The third and final image depicts the queen of hearts fleeing through a grove of trees, but instead of apples hanging on them there are hearts. Since the queen of hearts is often the villain in alice in wonderland stories, I thought this would be an interesting take on it. Like the first one this went through editing while in the final, such as the hearts piercing the thorns and her becoming smaller in the image to help with composition.

(I also worked a lot on cropping everything-here is what it all looks like outside the artboard.)

This is my final-I think the main thing that bothers me is the border between the two images on the left and that I didn't get clean it up like I originally planned, but overall Im proud of it (besides that one thing, I may fix it in the future). The white rabbit is definitely my favorite one I did, but I also really like the composition I did on the far right image and the empty space in the middle image.


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