The first exercise in the Photoshop unit, for this we had to take 3 or more images and combine them into a single creature. I created this creature, and have named him Jerry:


Commons Wikimedia, Dec 23 2014, File:Gold rim swallowtail (Battus polydamas jamaicensis) underside worn 2.JPG, Charles J. Sharp, Share-alike 4.0

Commons Wikimedia, Jul 28 2018, Impala (Aepyceros melampus), parque nacional de Chobe, Botsuana, 2018-07-28, DD 08.jpg, Diego Deslo, Share-alike 4.0

Commons Wikimedia, May 18 2019, File:Red-sided_garter_snake.jpg, Ethan Sahagun, Share-alike 4.0