For my final in the Photoshop unit for Digital Design class, I decided to work on a combination of food items and desk supplies to work on blending and mixing two images into one. It is intended to have the message / central idea of “Cultivation of Education” and shows three different objects on a desk.
I intentionally gave it a very bare design, keeping the focus on a few select objects and their blending of two or more images.
Work in Progress Photos:

Commons Wikimedia, Jan 16 2021, File:A Blue pencil.jpg, Capital MarcusL, Attribution Share-alike 4.0 International
Commons Wikimedia, Oct 20 2016, File:Bucharest mug (Unsplash).jpg
Alexandru STAVRICĂ, Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
Commons Wikimedia, Sep 5 2018, File:Apple Pink Lady.jpg, Krzysztof Golik, Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
Commons Wikimedia, April 14 2015, File:学習机 (17114728806).jpg, Nubobo, Attribution 2.0 Generic
Commons Wikimedia, Oct 27 2007, File:Carrots.jpg, Kander, Public Domain
Commons Wikimedia, 1913, File:White House Cookbook5.jpg, Fanny Lemira Gillette, Public Domain in the United States
Commons Wikimedia, Nov 15 2011, File:Notebook.png, Tuffstein, Attribution 3.0 Unported
Commons Wikimedia, April 3 2020, File:Green grass side texture.jpg
, Kurt Kaiser, CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
All above images have been altered.
Tutorials & Other Helpful Sources:
(video was helpful in original practice)
Steps, Techniques and Tools:
Originally in this project I was planning on doing a singular carrot-pencil hybrid, but then combined multiple objects to get a more centered idea of the message.
To blend the Carrot-pencil and Apple-mug, I used the following steps and tools:
Firstly I copied and pasted the image twice each, for a total of two layers per single image I selected the background via the Quick Selection tool, and then deleted it
Next, I selected everything but the shadow on the second layer and deleted everything
(note: for the carrot and mug I used one layer, while the pencil and apple had two ; mug handle was cropped-not the entire mug)
These steps helped make sure I could blend the shadow and item separately
To make sure the handle for the mug was correct, I used a third apple layer and put that for the clipping mask
After this I created a clipping layer respectively for the carrot on top of the pencil and the mug handle on top of the apple, which applied the texture and colors directly on top instead of everywhere around it
Next I blended the Apple texture on top of the mug handle and the carrot leafy bits with the Smudge tool
Lastly I used the shadow layers from the pencil and apple to recreate the original shadow.
As for the notebook, I used the Liquidfy > Liquidfy tool at the top of a macbook screen while in photoshop to warp it from a flat image to more of an angled one
Then I selected the bottom left corner of the notebook and duplicated it under the original layer, making the notebook appear open
Next I copied and pasted the cookbook image (sliced up cow) on top of the image, erasing the background
Lastly I then drew behind the notebook with a dark gray / black to make the back of the spiral bound.
I feel I met the requirements (Altered message, Designed for ethical, Use of 2 or more photos, Unifying alterations are made to the entire image, and Process) overall well.
For the altered message, I took regular desk supplies (pencil, mug, notebook) and combined them with another image (carrot, apple, cookbook image) to create the message of “Cultivation of Education”, which the idea was the way education is done and grown.
As for ethical use, I used images (and double checked) that had alteration permissions to their permissions. I did not use any humans (faces or otherwise), along with citing all sources properly.
I used a total of eight images which is more than two, and made edits to the entire image (carrot/pencil, apple/mug, pencil/image, desk has items on it). Lastly, I described how I did the final image and feel confident I could do it again or help others with similar endeavors.