This unit was designed around following a certain (poster) style to create and inspire our final posters/patterns. The end goal was to create either a poster or a pattern, featuring both pattern elements and text elements in either option we chose.
Elements of Design
The first part of this project was just experimenting and playing with different web-based programs to teach us the skills we would need once starting our final. For example, Kolor taught you to quickly identify different colors, especially when shades were very different. Another one I found helpful was Pix.actly, where you practice selecting an area with the dimensions it gives you. You will soon discover, though, that your sense of how big a pixel is is way off.
Art/Design Style Choice
This was when we explored what art/design style we wanted to choose-I chose Art Nouveau, and researched information around it for this part. Did you know about the different parts of Art Nouveau? What about the fact it was primarily used between 1890 to 1910? It used very warm color schemes as well.
Text Effects Exercise
Exploring the different ways to add text effect was challenging at first, but after you get the hang of it, it's quite easy. Using things such as the inner and outer shadow tools in photoshop to create a border around the text, to exploring the different font options within photoshop as a whole. The three text effects I chose to do and discovered how to are below.
Pattern Exercise
If you've ever studied poster making, you will probably know about pattern tiles-they are a small segment of a repeatable pattern, where when lined up next to each other, appear seamless. In this specific unit, we also refer to them as tessellated motifs. This is an easy way to fill a large space with patterns, without needing much work. For this one, the below was my pattern.
Final Poster
Choosing the poster option for my final, I stayed with the Art Nouveau as the style for my final work in this unit. It used many different patterns and effects, and ended up looking simple but similar to the Art Nouveau style I had chosen. For the image itself, I chose to do a ferret in front of a grassy hill. In a half-advertisement half-announcement, it features the words "Sock Stealers: we will steal your socks, and your heart,". It is up to the viewer to determine if this is a service being provided, or something more of a warning.
For the elements within the poster itself, I created the two main tessellated motifs. One is present in the far background, and the other on the grassy hill in the back. The soft curves of the one in the background are something commonly found in the Art Nouveau style, while the plant-fiber elements were something often found as well.
where the tile patterns were found:
the tiles themselves
The text effects used in the second and last example from my text effects exercise heavily played into the text effects used in my final. I stuck with the outliner/border around the words and used different but similar colors, and also applied this same effect onto the main focal point, 'text box' area, and on the hill itself at the very top. Some examples of where these text effects were put are below.
There were also multiple elements into the poster as well. The fonts were one, along with the two tile patterns used, the border, the main focus, and other parts of the design.
In the end, my final poster came out as this:

tinted vers.

Overall, I like my final poster-though it may or may not be because of the main focus point. Beyond the main focus, I like the text I used and the effects on it, along with the color palette and motifs.
The font itself came from photoshop, and the rest was done by me.
Tools and techniques I used have been stated previously, however I as a whole used photoshop, and the main tools I used were the fill bucket, pen, brush, typing, and layer effects. I also used in some instances clipping to change or slightly alter the color of the below layer (specifically this happened in the case of the background/circles motif and changing the color of the hill).
Placement wise, I chose to have the main focus be on the ferret, and stationed it in the direction middle. To make up for this a little, I kept the text at the bottom and adjusted it more neatly. In some parts of the design symmetry tools were used or the shape tools, which helped with placement as well. Some of the choices I made were changing parts of the design, and I will leave images below with the work-in-progresses or behind the scenes and in the making of this final poster.
technical stuff
interesting image WIPs stuff